Museum Visitor Services Tops in Customer Service
Each year the State of Alaska looks for examples of excellence in public service in all state departments and in communities across Alaska. These exemplars are given the Governor’s Denali Peak Performance Award. We are pleased to announce that our Alaska State Museums’ Museum Protection and Visitor Services (MPVS) staff won a 2011 Denali Award in the Customer Service Excellence Team category. More information about the Denali Awards can be found at
The Alaska State Museums in Juneau and Sitka welcome tens of thousands of visitors each year. The bulk of museum visitation is comprised of tourists in the summer season and school groups in the winter. The museums’ MPVS staff, consisting of three full-time employees, two seasonal employees and a hand full of employees who work on-call, are responsible for:
• Greeting visitors and providing orientation to the facility, exhibits, events, and services.
• Explaining the meaning, intention, use, history, and cultural significance of the art and objects on exhibit;
• Serving as front-line responder to requests or inquiries, directing callers, visitors, researchers, potential donors, and others to other museum staff as appropriate;
• Providing first aid if needed and responding to building intrusion or fire alarms;
• Dispatching and receiving returns of objects loaned to Native clans for ceremonial use purposes, often after hours;
• Training and overseeing museum docents; and,
• Providing facility security and orientation to new employees and volunteers.
These visitation-related duties are in addition to being responsible for:
• Facility maintenance;
• Facility uses;
• Building security;
• Protecting the collection.
• Maintaining statistics on visitation, volunteers, and museum programs;
• Marketing the museum, exhibitions and museum programs; and,
• Writing grants for and developing/conducting summer youth activities.
Here are some of the reasons why the staff was nominated, according to the Denali nomination form:
Notwithstanding all these responsibilities and activities, I have observed the museum’s MPVS staff providing unwavering professional and courteous customer service to all who enter the facility. I feel most in awe when seeing them conduct programs they developed for school groups. Enthusiastic presenters for the children, MPVS staff uses museum objects to incorporate Alaska’s cultural and other history into instructional strategies. The staff is highly knowledgeable when conducting tours of the museum for visitors, students, special interest groups and researches, and shares this knowledge with enthusiasm and a keen appreciation for the museum, its collection, and the museum’s mission.
The influx of visitors, many of whom are senior citizens, occasionally brings with it the irritable and complaining personality. In my 10 years working with MPVS staff, I have never once seen them respond to these personality types with anything except courtesy and patience. Nor have I ever seen them appear ruffled or resentful. Occasional emergencies that arise are dealt with calmly and effectively.
The Alaska State Museums’ Protection and Visitor Services (MPVS) staff consists of:
• Lisa Golisek-Nankervis
• Mary Irvine
• Sara Chubb
• Melissa Kramer
• Janet Kowalski
• Lisa Bykonen
• Peter Gorman
• Deborah Doland
And Museum on-call staff:
• Diane Anderson
• Shar Fox
• Judy Hauck
• Elizabeth Knecht
• Martha Littlefield
Please join me in congratulating on MPVS staff on this well deserved honor.
Daniel Cornwall
WHO WE ARE: Daniel Cornwall, Head of Technical & Imaging Services

TIS is a mostly behinds-the-scenes shop within the Division, but our work is visible statewide. Every time you open a webpage from the State Library, State Archives, or State Museums, you're seeing the handiwork of TIS in its presentation. In August 2010, we partnered with the State Museums to offer a monthly educational char program to local museums staff statewide. Finally, our micrographics/imaging section saves state records while greatly reducing storage fees.
A new building will aid our work by giving more staff access to webcasting technology and collaborating on joint virtual exhibits that can be used by Alaskans from Barrow to Ketchikan. By putting all of our catalogers and digitizers into one building, we also expect to provide faster and better access to materials entrusted to use by the entire state of Alaska.
WHO WE ARE: Chris Hieb, Records Analyst

A new facility for Libraries, Archives and Museums will help to provide staff with a more productive and efficient work environment. The use of shared resources in a new facility, that are now duplicated within the various sections of SLAM, will save time and provide staff with opportunities for improved communication as well as work flow and work effort. It will also provide patrons with one unified state-of-the-art facility for research as well as an enhanced learning environment.
WHO WE ARE: Mendi Antisdel, Division Publications & Webmaster

WHO WE ARE: Wayne Norlund, Retrieval Specialist

I hope that the proposed Library, Archives and Museum building will contain all holdings of the Alaska State Archives in a single location. This will permit more efficient retrieval and replacement of collection materials for reference purposes. It also expedites any processing and reorganizing of the collection that may be required.
By consolidating all materials in a single location, much time will be recovered such as driving time, time spent managing off-site building issues, etc. The recovered time can be spent on long-standing issues, such as correcting errors in the collection database and processing backlog materials.
WHO WE ARE: Scott Carrlee, Curator of Museum Services

An intern once asked me why our museum would have someone whose job is mainly to help other museums. I thought about this for a while. Our mission is to collect, preserve, display (etc. etc.) the natural and cultural history of Alaska. This is a pretty tall order given obvious geographic and financial challenges in the state. Should we have a host of Curators who cover each area of Alaska? Or should we support to the community museums that can do it better because they are local? I think the answer is obvious from both an economic and advantageous standpoint. What I look forward to in the new building is the opportunity to help Alaskan museums through workshops, classes and museum conferences. This is something I can’t do this at the present time. More hands-on museum training is the number one request I get from my constituents.
WHO WE ARE: Rose Welton, Cataloger

The new Libraries, Archives and Museum facility will provide a more efficient work environment. The close proximity of available resources will save time for both the users and staff. Shared processing, digitization, reference, preservation, and reading room areas mean less duplicated space. Closeness of staff allows a more successful flow of communication and shared work effort.
The new SLAM facility will also provide a more pleasant work environment. New workstations, better layout, and natural light will make employees more comfortable while performing their jobs. The new facility will have pride of ownership, which will translate into enhanced delivery of services to our customers.
WHO WE ARE: Jacque E. Peterson, School Library Coordinator - ANCHORAGE

Jacque graduated from Alaska Pacific University with a degree in business before following her passion and getting her graduate degree in library science from the University of Arizona in Tucson.
WHO WE ARE: Lisa Golisek-Nankerv, Manager of the Visitor Services & Protection

My job also carries a broad spectrum of responsibilities under the title of “protection” including conveying facility maintenance needs, overseeing facility upgrades to insure that the museum collections are protected and museum services are not interrupted and responding to facility alarms and emergencies around the clock. The most rewarding aspects of my work are due to the diversity it offers. The best day is one where I’ve shared or discovered something about the art, objects or exhibits with a student and they were inspired or engaged by their visit here. I also enjoy sleuthing a problem with the facility mechanical or security systems and figuring out what happened and how to fix it. Hence, I’m still here after 23 years and hope to be for several more.
WHO WE ARE: Sandy Johnston, Library Assistant II

I am the lead for the processing team, the main contact for photo orders for the library, and I man the reference desk at least three shifts a week. I have worked in most sections of the library at one time or another. Seeing the library move from card catalogs and hand-typed pockets and cards to being able to scan and email materials and photos to people around the world has made for a very interesting career. One question from an interview sheet we have used that has stuck in my mind was “The library is in a constant state of flux - how are you at dealing with constantly changing processes?” That pretty much sums up my time here—a career I wouldn’t have traded for anything.
WHO WE ARE: Gordon Brown, State Records Manager
(not pictured)
I am a foreigner from Scotland and I have been in the US since June 2010. I started my career in Records Management in 2002 at North Lanarkshire Council (which is just outside of Glasgow) where latterly I also served as their Archivist. I then became the Records Manager at the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen. In both these positions I established corporate records management programs.
I started as the State Records Manager in January 2011. My task, other than to remember to use a z instead of an s and to stop extraneous u’s entering my words is to ensure that the State of Alaska is managing its records and information in accordance with federal and state law and State of Alaska policies. Essentially I am trying to help all State employees find their information when they need it.
There are a number of instruments that help with this task. The main one being records retention schedules (there are currently around 380 schedules to manage and keep up-to-date—a never ending task!) The Records & Information Management Service also oversees the process of State agencies transferring inactive records to records centers (over 15,000 boxes so far this year) and facilitates the process of destroying records (over 8,000 boxes so far this year) or transferring records with permanent historical value to the State Archives.
Learn more about the work that Gordon does for the Division and the State by visiting Records and Information Management Services at
WHO WE ARE: Beverly Griffin, Library Assistant - Talking Book Center

NLS provides audiobooks and playback equipment to our library for us to distribute to our patrons. I work with circulating them to eligible borrowers throughout the state using postage-free mail. Duties include certifying the eligibility of new patrons for services, overseeing the circulation and distribution of materials, providing basic reference and readers’ advisory services and doing outreach to publicize what we have to offer. I also work with maintaining and managing the inventory of digital and cassette audiobooks and playback equipment.
I find this program very rewarding to work with. Many patrons, whose lives have been greatly impacted by being unable to read because of a change in their health, are excited to participate in the Talking Book program.
WHO WE ARE: Cate Remme, Administrative Assistant - ANCHORAGE

WHO WE ARE: Peter Gorman, Museum Protection & Visitor Services Assistant - SITKA
(not pictured)
I work at the Sheldon Jackson Museum as a Museum Protection and Visitor Services assistant. The job entails explaining the museum exhibits to visitors, monitoring the mechanical systems, and making certain the building and collections are secure.
The Museum has a collection of hands on objects (, which are loaned to schools for a two-week period. Objects can be selected and orders placed on the Sheldon Jackson Museum website. Managing orders, reshelving returned orders, and administering the program is the other part of my job at SJM.
WHO WE ARE: Nadia Jackinsky, Curator

WHO ARE WE: Katie Fearer, Public Services Librarian

WHO WE ARE: Lisa Bykonen, Sitka Museum Protection & Visitor Services Supervisor
My current scope of work as supervisor for SJM Protection & Visitor Services includes responsibility in operation of the facility. I make sure visitors are welcomed and safe, keeping an eye on and working with the collections, assisting with school programs, requesting and overseeing maintenance projects, and I am involved in hiring, training, and making sure we have staff scheduled throughout the year. Statistics can be an important part of the historical record, and I am the main bean counter compiling visitation and facility reports for our agency partners. The purchase of the Sheldon Jackson Museum by the State of Alaska in the early 1980’s has insured that Alaska’s history stays available to Alaskans. The recent addition of the building next door—the former Stratton Library—will give Sheldon Jackson Museum room to expand and continue its mission.
One of the many highlights I have experienced at the museum was when a Tlingit weaver wrapped her Raven’s Tail robe around my shoulders before packing it. I felt the weight of luxurious softness woven with wool and strips of sea otter fur. It was quite an honor. A special time at the museum is every summer when Alaska Native artists demonstrate their craft in the gallery, and share their culture with visitors of all ages, continuing the imagination, strength, and ingenuity of survival just like their ancestors.
WHO WE ARE: Debbie McBride, Administrative Assistant

Most of my earlier employment experience has been finance-related, so working in this division has opened new doors for me in terms of exposure to the arts and education. I have the utmost appreciation for the talents and expertise of my colleagues in all areas of the museum, and within the division. Occasionally I get the opportunity to foray into other areas of museum work, such as the time I was able to help with writing condition reports on objects. Part of that process involved examining the object in great detail–something I might not have otherwise done if I was just visiting the museum. I also enjoy the occasional opportunities I get to work at the museum’s front desk, welcoming visitors and answering questions. The visitors’ enthusiasm for the museum and our state is always uplifting. It’s great when a visitor enjoys the museum as much as I do.
WHO WE ARE: Jane Hansen, LAM Administrative Officer
(not pictured)
“See Jane run.” That’s how her job goes. She is our Administrative Officer for the whole Division of Libraries, Archives & Museums. She came to work for the State of Alaska on September 9, 1983 and her first job was with the Department of Administration in the bad old paper application days. February 1985 she moved into the accounting field with the Department of Corrections, and has never looked back. She uses all of her experience and years of knowledge to keep us on track. Jane has enormous budget responsibilities. She manages, reconciles, researches, balances, plans, audits, tracks expenditures, and keeps the Director and Deputy informed about all of the budgetary and financial problems and progress. In addition, she oversees procurement, personnel, payroll, inventory, fleet, and all other administrative activities related to the Division’s work. Whenever we have a question about how to do something, Jane is our go-to person. “Way to run, Jane!”
WHO WE ARE: Linda Thibodeau, LAM Director

Integrating all of these experiences has prepared me somewhat for the variety of activities involved as Division Director. Primarily, I would say that I have a broad background to support the educational initiatives that are the breath of life for our division. We not only preserve objects and paper materials; we use our museum, archival and library collections to help students, researchers and all others learn about Alaska's history and present. I am proud to assist these educational goals in every way possible.
Our division has embarked on a number of projects that constantly stretch us all: some of these are SLAM, the new state library, archives and museums building that we are planning for the division; the OWL (Online With Libraries) grant-funded project to augment broadband-based services to public libraries; the acquisition and renovation of the Stratton Library in Sitka.
Everything about this job is exciting and every day is a new challenge. I love coming to work!
WHO WE ARE: Steve Henrikson, Curator of Collections

Like writing, artifacts and art are other forms of human expression, and we "speak the language"—we read the objects and interpret their many meanings, with help when needed from cultural historians and other specialists. We make our interpretations based not on our personal perspective but from within our position in the public trust--ideally exploring both settled history and issues of continued debate with openness and a dedication to balance. That means pushing ourselves to being receptive to the lessons the objects have to teach us, centuries after their creation, in the long silenced voices of their creators. What did the objects mean then, and what do they mean now?
At the museum, I oversee the collections, comprised of approximately 25,000 objects and specimens, widely ranging from historical aircraft and totem poles to plant specimens, archaeological artifacts, and works of art, and just about anything in between, as long as it is connected to the history and cultures of Alaska. The collections are also supported by Registrar Sorrel Goodwin, and Ellen Carrlee, Conservator. My job involves researching and studying the history, provenance, significance and meaning of each object. To permanently link the objects to their history, I document this information and build accession files containing hard copies of all the documentation. Through frequent access to the collections over time, I have developed a general familiarity with the appearance and qualities of the individual objects and their parts, allowing me to provide assistance to others seeking certain types of objects.
My favorite activities include acquiring artifacts to fill gaps in the collection, and conducting research on various subjects in our collection and others. I help the public by identifying and assessing their own objects, provide public lectures and present research findings at professional conferences. I also curate special temporary exhibits, such as the one we installed in 2000 on the centennial of the Alaska Historical Library and Museum (now the state museum and state historical library). "Other duties as assigned" include working with the AG's office on legal issues, couriering artifacts when they go out on loan, and occasionally going into the field for research or to collect artifacts.
All considered, I am fortunate to have such as engaging job that keeps my mind turning day and night with the thousands and thousands of years of human history, and thousands of personal stories, told by all those artifacts. The objects speak of the depths of disaster and war, the peaks of accomplishment and renewal, the sacred and the vernacular. Too often, these quintessentially Alaskan stories often go unheard and unheeded. Through our work at LAM, we can help others hear these stories and learn about the history—good and bad—that we share.
WHO WE ARE: Valerie Oliver, E-Rate Specialist

E-rate is the "slang" term for Universal Service Funding for Schools and Libraries. Universal Service is a term the federal government uses and is the act of providing a baseline level of communication services to all people within our country. The Universal Service Fund (USF) provides discounts on phone and Internet bills to schools and libraries so that they can afford connectivity to the rest of the world. This connectivity in Alaska is vital, as our schools and libraries depend more and more upon the Internet to access information and participate in training, e-government, workforce development, online forms completion, and more. All schools and public libraries in the state of Alaska are eligible for E-rate/USF discounts on their phone and Internet bills, and the average discount in our state is just over 70% of the bill. Alaska receives more than $30 Million dollars in E-rate/USF funds annually and our libraries are dependent upon this funding for improved sustainability into the future.
Before becoming E-rate Coordinator for Alaska's schools and libraries Valerie was a school librarian for the Anchorage School District. She has been in Alaska since 1980 and hails from Michigan. She obtained her MLS from the University of Arizona and would love to hear from libraries that have questions about how they can maximize their E-rate application. In addition to assisting schools and libraries in the E-rate process, Valerie is a part of the OWL (Online With Libraries) Project team.
WHO WE ARE: Sorrel Goodwin, Museum Registrar

In addition to my extensive experience in the museum world, I was a professional Archivist for 5 years at the Sealaska Heritage Institute, and was responsible for organizing, cataloging, collecting, and managing Sealaska Heritage Institute’s extensive paper, audio, video, digital, and ethnographic archives.
In September 2007, I was hired as the Museum Registrar at the Alaska State Museum. Under the general direction of the Chief Curator, I oversee the care, safety, storage, physical preservation and documentation of approximately 35,000 objects in the museum’s permanent collections. I am responsible for coordinating all movement of artifacts including regional, national, and international shipping, customs and broker relations, as well as the documentation, care and safety of all collections entering, leaving, or being moved within the museum. This includes loans and traveling exhibitions. I act as the custodian of the essential legal records documenting all museum objects owned, borrowed or in the custody of the Alaska State Museum & Sheldon Jackson Museum.
WHO WE ARE: Jerry Duncan, Microfilm Imaging Operator

The De Laguna photograph collection has an online finding aid that can be viewed from with material on other Historical Collections groups of photographs.
WHO WE ARE: Becky Orford, Interlibrary Loan

As far as getting stuff from other libraries, I mostly do this for state employees, some for their personal use, but mostly information they need to do their jobs. Many of those employees are not in Juneau. I also do a modest amount for Juneau residents who use our library as part of the Capital City Libraries consortium.
I would say 95% of the ILL I do is for journal articles. 95% of that is done electronically, on my end, anyway. I can usually receive the patron’s request, research the citation, place the request, receive the document, and deliver it to the patron from my desktop. Another part of this job is keeping track of copyright compliance and fees.
As far as the materials we provide to other libraries, those are across the spectrum of our collections. I loan materials from our Circulating and Federal Documents Collections, as well as reels of Alaskan newspaper microfilm. I also loan some microfilm from the Historical Collections. I scan or photocopy materials in our Reference, Periodicals, and Historical Collections. Getting good images is a big part of this task, working with microfilm, fiche, new materials, and old (sometimes irreplaceable) materials.
In and among all of this I do detective work, trying to figure out exactly what and where the information is that we’ve been asked to provide, either for our patrons or for another library.
WHO WE ARE: Julita Lim, Administrative Assistant
This is Julita’s first job as an Administrative Assistant for the State. Everything is involved in this job: personnel, accounting, travel, administration, mail, clerical, procurement. She is “Julita-of-all-trades!" She also had a chance to learn more about the Division’s workings when she assisted one summer at the State Museum at the front desk. There she greeted visitors and worked the cash register.
She certainly has learned a lot in this job because her previous job she did accounting and travel only. This job has much more variety and she says that makes her enjoy herself at work. With job variety she has a chance to keep learning new skills and practicing them.
WHO WE ARE: Natalee Rothaus, Government Documents